
The JB Collection

Jazz is rock without drugs. Which is what most of you are looking for. As 99% of you DO NOT take drugs now. Jazz has been popular since the 1920's.

ABC Jazz

I haven't been a regular listener to Triple M in fifteen years. -- Did Triple M steal my Monkey album? -- 99% of us DO NOT take drugs today.


1 - Boomerang                               

2 - Chelsea               

3 - Cowboy Ballet    

4 - Genie In Blue Jeans

5 - Hard To Get Easy                  Jazz Radio Stations

6 - I Fell For Nell                       

7 - Money Or Love

8 - The Monkey                          

9 - Try Again

10 - Two At Night

11 - Life Starts Now                 

12 - The Lucky Ducky


** --------- I called this album jazz to support jazz radio. I like jazz radio. -- Jazz has been popular since the 1920's. -- This album is not a jazz album. It is a rock and roll love songs album. -- The JB Collection do not take hard drugs. We never have. -- This is our 20th love songs album.